VOICE CHANGE 1. What is voice? 2. How many kinds of voices are there? 3. Basics rules for changing the voices. 4. Change of pronoun 5. Be-verb in voice 6. How to identify the voice? 7. Voice and tense 8. Passive without ‘by’ 9. Passive without doer or agent. 10. Passive of ditransitive 11. Modal verb and passive 12. Passive of imperative sentences 13. Passive of interrogative sentences 14. Quasi passive 15. Voice of complex sentences 16. Passive of negative sentences 17. Sentences with gerund (verbal noun) with preposition and object. 1. What is voice? The voice is the form of the verb that indicates if the subject of a sentence is the doer of the action or the action of the verb happens to the subject. Example: I eat bread. (Active) ...