Ailing Planet: the Green Movement’s Role
A three-year study using satellites and aerial photography
conducted by the United Nations, warns that the environment
has deteriorated so badly that it is ‘critical’ in many of the eighty-eight
countries investigated.
Word Meanings and Explanation
1. deteriorated became
Paragraph Twelve Population Explosion
There can be no doubt that the growth of world population
is one of the strongest factors distorting the future of
society. It took mankind more than a million years to reach the
first billion. That was the world population around the year 1800.
By the year 1900, a second billion was added, and the twentieth
century has added another 3.7 billion. The present world
population is estimated at 5.7 billion. Every four days the world
population increases by one million.
Word Meanings and Explanation
1. distorting destroying
2. billion one hundred crore
Paragraph Thirteen Development is the best contraceptive
Fertility falls
as incomes rise, education spreads, and health
improves. Thus development is the best contraceptive. But
development itself may not be possible if the present increase in
numbers continues.
Word Meanings and Explanation
1. Fertility state of being fertile
Paragraph Fourteen
Controlling Population
The rich get richer, and the poor beget children which
condemns them to remain poor.
More children does not mean
more workers, merely more people without work. It is not
suggested that human beings be treated like cattle and
compulsorily sterilized. But there is no
alternative to voluntary
family planning without introducing an element of coercion.
The choice is really between control of population and
perpetuation of
Word Meaning and Explanation
1. condemns dooms
2. sterilized to make a person unable
to have babies
3. coercion force
4. perpetuation continuation
for a long time
Paragraph Fifteen Indian
The population of India is estimated to be 920 million today —
more than the entire populations of Africa and South
America put together. No one familiar with the conditions in
India would doubt that the hope of the people would die in
their hungry hutments unless population control
is given
topmost priority.
Word Meanings and Explanation
1. priority precedence
2. hutments encampment of huts
Paragraph Sixteen Transcending Concern
For the first time in human history we see a transcending
concern — the survival not just of the people but of the planet.
We have begun to take a holistic view of the very basis of our
existence. The environmental problem does not necessarily signal
our demise, it is our passport for the future. The emerging
world vision has ushered in the Era of
Responsibility. It is a holistic
view, an ecological view, seeing the world as an integrated
rather than a dissociated collection of parts.
Word Meanings and Explanation
1. transcending concern exceeding desire to protect
2. demise end or
3. emerging becoming known or transpire
4. ushered in began
5. integrated closely connected
6. dissociated not connected
Paragraph Seventeen The Role of Industry
Industry has a most crucial role to play in this new Era of
Responsibility. What a transformation would be effected
if more
businessmen shared the view of the Chairman of Du
Mr Edgar S. Woolard
who, five years ago, declared himself to be
the Company’s “Chief Environmental Officer”. He said, “Our
continued existence as a leading manufacturer requires that we
excel in environmental performance.”
Word Meanings and Explanation
effected made something
Du Pont Conglomerate company, DuPont is the world's
eighth-largest chemical producer.
Edgar S. Woolard Jr (Born 1934) is an American businessman. He was chairman and chief
executive officer of DuPont from 1989 to 1995
Paragraph Eighteen Borrowed Planet
Of all the statements made by Margaret Thatcher during
years of her Prime Ministership, none has passed so decisively
into the current coin of English usage as her felicitous
words: “No
generation has a freehold on this earth. All we have
is a life tenancy
— with a full repairing lease”. In the words of Mr Lester Brown,
“We have not inherited this earth from our
forefathers; we have
borrowed it from our
Word Meanings and Explanation
Margaret Thatcher Margaret Hilda Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher,
was a British stateswoman who was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from
1979 to 1990 and Leader of the Conservative Party from 1975 to 1990.
decisively in a manner that settles an issue convincingly or
produces a definite result
felicitous apt
freehold permanent and absolute tenure of land or property with
freedom to dispose of it at will.
tenancy possession of land or property as a tenant.
inherited received
borrowed to take and use something
that belongs to somebody else and return it later
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